The Houston Roundball Review Media Group
YOUR source for sports and more. by: Kris Gardner. Credentialed media member since 1997. USBWA approved online journalist. Voter of Naismith, USBWA, WBHOF, and Wooden awards.

Let me Know when It's Over

The "Basketball for Thought" is a commentary by Kris Gardner.

December 1998

The NBA season is marching toward cancellation while the major parties involved (Commissioner David Stern and Players' Association Rep Billy Hunter) posture and twiddle their respective thumbs. However, according to a local newspaper, the NBA lockout could be settled by Christmas. (Of course, in early November, Peter Vescey claimed a settlement was imminent within 48 hours. I think Peter's sources were a little wrong on that assessment.) A settlement by Christmas seems remote if not an impossibility; and the truly astonishing fact is: I no longer care. Imagine that: a person whose main focus of work is the NBA no longer cares if there is a season or not. How could that be and what caused such apathy?

Everyone realizes the lockout is ongoing because of a dispute over how to fairly divide $2B. The owners want cost certainty of some type while the players want 57 percent of the revenues without cost certainty. Combine the problems over how to divide the money with huge egos and, apparently, a lack of common sense and it's very clear to see why the lockout is headed toward its sixth month.

I think it's safe to say both sides have underestimated the resolve of the other side; but, big deal; The resolve (re: stubbornness) has merely prolonged a problem which could have been remedied months ago.

Days and, on occasion, weeks have passed without any type of meeting between the two sides which is truly ridiculous considering both sides are supposed to be determined in "making the best deal possible" for both parties. Last time I checked, it was very difficult to make a deal with someone when you don't have meetings. At different times, Stern and / or Deputy Commissioner Russ Granik have stated the reason for such infrequent meetings is: the players haven't moved off their stance; so, what's the point of banging heads if no progress will be made? What's the point of banging heads? The point is to come to an agreement and play basketball!

Other ludicrous answers continue to spew out from each side. Stern refuses to accept a mediator to settle the dispute because he believes a mediator will cause acrimony between the owners and the players and both sides will be better served by ending the lockout themselves which would assuage any bitterness. Earth to Dave: where have you been? acrimony has been served back and forth for almost 6 months. If Isiah Thomas, Bill Bradley, Phil Jackson, or someone else can help end this mess, then allow them to do so. This lockout is beyond the ridiculous phase. It's now at the asinine level.

Mr. Hunter continues to tell his players that Stern is bluffing and the players must maintain solidarity and everything will workout. Okay, Billy, while you hold on to those delusions, I'll tune in to something with a little more truth and fact like pro wrestling! At least in wrestling, the old adage of good defeating evil still rings true.

The lockout has turned me off to all the nonsense and posturing from both sides. I still hold out a slight hope that common sense or sanity will result in an abbreviated season of some sort. When the lockout is settled, I'll return to analyzing trades and free agent signings and the like; however, until that one fine day, Duke plays Kentucky on December 22nd in Jersey.

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