The Houston Roundball Review Media Group
YOUR source for sports and more. by: Kris Gardner. Credentialed media member since 1997. USBWA approved online journalist. Voter of Naismith, USBWA, WBHOF, and Wooden awards.

Rockets fans: relax...relate...release

The "Basketball for Thought" is a commentary by Kris Gardner.

July 17, 2004

Fans of the Houston Rockets are worried. They're worried because they see the sports news and see many NBA free agents signing with new teams left and right.

"What are the Rockets doing?", fans ask.

"Why aren't the Rockets signing players?"

"We (the Rockets) need to sign a true point guard", fans lament; "But, the Rockets have waited too late and all of the good point guards are gone."

In response to the fans concerns, I say this (borrowed from an episode of "A Different World"): 'Relax...Relate...Release.'

Rockets' fans were swept up in the tidal wave of emotions when the team acquired Tracy McGrady. Heck, T-Mac was overwhelmed with the big fan turnout at the press conference, "Are y'all like this every game?", McGrady asked the raucous crowd. Well, since the June 30th press conference, all has been quiet on the Rockets front. However, Rockets' management has not been sitting idly by waiting for players to simply fall into their laps. Management had a "wish list" of free agent guards they wanted to sign; however, most of those players chose to sign with other teams.

Brent Barry chose to take less money to sign with the Spurs. Derek Fisher (who, in all honesty didn't seriously consider signing with the Rockets) surprised many NBA people by signing with the woe-be-gone Golden State Warriors. Troy Hudson will stay with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Steve Nash cost too much money and signed with the Phoenix Suns. Therefore, the top tier guards will not be teaming with T-Mac and Yao Ming in 2004 - 2005.

The NBA's moratorium on trades and free agent signings ended July 14; and the league has been rocked with big time player movement in just three days. However, Rockets fans need to remember this is still the month of July. Training camp starts in October. Consequently, Rockets management still has months left to improve your beloved ball club. Plus, keep in mind, the Rockets still possess the trade exception from last summer's "Glen Rice to Utah" trade. The exception is worth about $6.9M. The trade took place September 30.

I'm not kissing up to Rockets management. I';m simply stating the club's non-participation in the mad dash to acquire players in July is not necessarily a sign of gloom and doom for the franchise.

I'm pretty sure the fans will be surprised with the moves the Rockets do make during this offseason. Debates will start whether the moves were good or bad; smart or stupid; rational or irrational which will create loads of call-ins to the sports talk shows.

Clearly, acquiring Tracy McGrady raised the bar for the organization and definitely raised the fans' level of expectations for the team. However, fans should temper their excitement and be glad the team did not decide to sign another Matt Maloney or Kelvin Cato type contract with a marginal, at best, player.

A quick start does not guarantee a great finish.

So, Rockets fans, I recommend you enjoy the fun thoughts of T-Mac and Yao Ming being teammates; and, wait for Rockets' management to make some moves. If you don't like the moves, then, let them have it! But, until then...


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