The Houston Roundball Review Media Group
YOUR source for sports and more. by: Kris Gardner. Credentialed media member since 1997. USBWA approved online journalist. Voter of Naismith, USBWA, WBHOF, and Wooden awards.
Flash the Message
The "Basketball for Thought" is a commentary by Kris Gardner.April 2, 2004
As I get ready for college basketball's championship weekend, I've finally taken a serious long at one of the major dichotomies of The Houston Roundball Review: the website's message board is more popular than the rest of the website. You may ask: Is that a problem? You bet it is because The HRR is a basketball publication which needs to generate revenue through sponsors and new (and renewing) members in order to make a profit. Somewhere along the way, a miscommunication developed and I have yet to correct it.
In order to survive the rest of the spring, The Houston Roundball Review cannot have more people who post their thoughts and opinions on the message board than the number of subscribers and sponsors combined!
First things first, I do not want to place a price on the message board. I don't want to charge people for posting their opinions; however, I must admit, if I cannot think of a better way to generate revenue, the message board may become a "premium option available only to HRR members".
The message board at has taken on a life of its own. Over eight thousand posts have been made in the last thirteen months or so. The number of posts is relative: it's greater than message boards at some sites but far less than the total at other boards. A key problem I have is convincing people who make posts is my website offers so much more than just the message board; but, for a nominal annual fee. I know everyone loves to receive things for free (including me); but, I'm running a business and the business has expenses which need to be paid. The two major options to cover expenses are sponsorship and membership.
Sponsorship allows other businesses to advertise on the scrolling marquee at and / or advertise on KCOH 1430 AM Sports Rap show.
Membership allows individuals access to items such as the daily updated issues which include loads of basketball information. Membership also allows access to one-on-one interviews with players, coaches, and / or administrators in MP3 format.
But I digress, the HRR is in dire straits. The message board is overwhelming the rest of the website; so, something needs to be done. Changes are in the offing. The website will not be updated for a few days while I'm in New Orleans for the women's championship; however, in addition to working while in The Big Easy, I'm going to be networking and picking the brains of other basketball people for ideas and suggestions regarding how to increase recognition and revenue. Ironically, the message board will still be active while the rest of the site is "on vacation". When I return home, I hope to have a better idea of which direction to head The HRR. I've already thought of a few options: stop focusing on women's hoops and return to focusing on the guys; get rid of the message board completely; win the Lottery; change the message board to "members only"; and, lastly, completely shut down The Houston Roundball Review. I do not want to shut down The Review; but, it's an option that is staring me in the face.
I must find a "cash cow" or a business "angel" to help right the sinking ship as it takes on more and more water. I continue seeking sponsors; and, while I'm very grateful for the sponsors I've been able to obtain (especially for the trip to New Orleans), I've had more disappointments and promises not kept by people to continue this downward spiral.
The HRR lacks an advertising budget; so, the popularity of the message board is mainly due to word of mouth. I'm quite appreciative of everyone who has told their friends about the board; and, I know the board is quite popular with fans of the Houston Comets and the WNBA. Unfortunately, the board has grown into a monster which needs to be pruned and fine-tuned. These next few days are very important. Flash the message: "The HRR is more than a message board. The HRR is a business, too."